School Life

Communication Home

Communication home is an important way to support students. With current Covid-19 protocols we have opted to use SeeSaw and Google Classroom to communicate with parents rather than an agenda book. Homework and important notes will be communicated on a regular basis which will be used as a communication tool between teachers, parents and students. Please ensure you have the correct login information and check your account regularly. You can also access our website, twitter account and Facebook page for more information about what is happening in our school community. Periodically you will receive information through email and phone messages through School Messenger. It is important that contact information is kept up to date.


All members of the St. John Paul II team work to the best of their ability to support student achievement. Success for all is only attainable when teachers, parents and support staff work as a team on common goals to support the children in their care.

Excellence is supported when teachers collaborate through school resource team meetings to develop a plan of action to support students at St. John Paul II. Members of the school resource team consist of school, board and community agency personnel that support the teaching and learning of special need's students.

Excellence in student achievement is also supported through teacher development and building capacity, volunteers in the classroom, and a dedicated parent community.

Attendance Expectations

Punctuality and regular attendance on the part of the student is important to the process of learning. Both the individual student and his or her classmates may be impacted as a result of this issue. Parents will be contacted when late attendance and punctuality become a concern. Board attendance counsellors will be involved if attendance and punctuality do not improve after parent contact has been made by the school.

When your child is going to be absent from school, for any reason, please contact the school at 705-324-7445.

Co-curricular Activities

Students learn sportsmanship in a collegial atmosphere through experiences with intramural activities. Making new friends and learning from peers also ensures that the intramural program at St. John Paul II is a success.

The focus of intramurals at St. John Paul II is improving skills and striving for personal best, over winning and losing. Students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities such as, volleyball, basketball, soccer and ball hockey.

Code of Conduct

Our school provides a safe and inclusive learning environment. To view the Board's Code of Conduct page click here.

Excellence in Learning

All members of the St. John Paul II team work to the best of their ability to support student achievement. Success for all is only attainable when teachers, parents and support staff work as a team on common goals to support the children in their care.

Excellence is supported when teachers collaborate through school resource team meetings to develop a plan of action to support students at St. John Paul II. Members of the school resource team consist of school, board and community agency personnel that support the teaching and learning of special need's students.

Excellence in student achievement is also supported through teacher development and building capacity, volunteers in the classroom, and a dedicated parent community.

Living our Faith

Students at St. John Paul II Catholic School demonstrate a living faith because of the strong connection between the school, the home and the parish. These three groups work harmoniously together to prepare students for their Sacraments and to be discerning believers in our ever-changing world.

Monthly Masses/Prayer Services will be held at the school with Father Balonwu and Associate Pastor Rev. Innocent Umezika supporting us virtually. Each class has the opportunity, during the school year, to lead the school community in a school Mass. Students embrace the opportunity to demonstrate their faith and rejoice in the good news of the Lord.

Social Justice

Students learn through example and role modeling that we need to support those in need. The students are encouraged to seek justice for those who require their support. Students are encouraged to act locally and globally in their search for justice. Our student government the "HELP Team" supports many social justice issues and works hard to lend their student voice to raise awareness and spirits in their school community.

On a local front, students are encouraged to support those in their community who need assistance. Students do this through learning about poverty and supporting programs like Kawartha Lakes Food Source food drives and Christmas baskets to support families through the St. Vincent de Paul.


“Our entire educational community will take responsibility for Catholic Education."

The mission of the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Catholic District School Board is to provide all students with a Catholic education that includes the knowledge, skills and values required to live a meaningful and faith-filled life.

The Code of Conduct of St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary School in Lindsay, including students, staff and parents, is based on the Gospel messages of love and respect for oneself, others and for the world in which we live. It reflects a commitment to diligently foster a learning community that is a caring community and one that knows the value and dignity of each individual. The support of parents in matters of discipline is very important. Our Code of Conduct meets new Ministry Guidelines, and School Board directives. The following rules are important for each child to know:


1. No Body Contact (NBC)

2. Use peaceful means to resolve conflict.

3. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

4. Respect the authority of supervisors.

5. Look out for each other.

In addition to the 5 Golden Rules, St. Mary has the following expectations:


One of the greatest factors contributing to academic success for students is consistent, regular attendance. Please keep this point in mind when scheduling appointments or making decisions that interrupt your child’s attendance each day.


Practice the virtue of responsibility. Punctuality and regular attendance on the part of the student is important to the process of learning. Both the individual student and their classmates may suffer as a result of this issue. Parents will be contacted when late attendance and punctuality are a frequent occurrence. Board attendance counsellors become involved if attendance and punctuality do not improve after parent contact has been made by the school.

Early Dismissal of Students

It is important that your child finish the instructional day as often as possible. Parents who need to have their children dismissed early should send a note to their child’s teacher indicating an earlier dismissal time and meet their child in the school office at the indicated time in order to complete “sign out” procedures. However, early dismissal for convenience will be discouraged. Your support and co-operation are appreciated in this area.

School Excursions and Extracurriculars

When members of our community are on school excursions or participating in extra curriculars, they are representing St. John Paul II Catholic School. The expectations and consequences reflected in the Code of Behaviour apply to all excursions and extracurricular activities.


The school telephone number is (705) 324-7445. If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, we ask that parents call the school to report the absence and the reason. The school has an answering machine and you may leave this information on the machine. If your child has an appointment and must leave school early for any reason, please send a note requesting that he or she be excused.

Please pick your child up at the office. If your child is to be picked up by a friend or relative, let the school know that your child is to go with that person by noon if possible.

All visitors to St. John Paul II Catholic School must notify the main office upon arrival and if staying, sign in and wear an identification badge. Remember to sign out and leave your badge with the secretary. Thank you.

Peanut Safe School

St. John Paul II Catholic School is a Peanut Safe School. The best way to reduce the risk of accidental exposure of peanut products is to respectfully ask for the co-operation of the parents/guardians to NOT send peanut butter or products with peanuts listed in the ingredients in students’ lunches and snacks. Please inform the school if your child has any health problems.

Sick Children

When a child is sick at school, the office will contact the parents. We sometimes ask that the parents speak to the child to determine the degree of illness. In fairness to all, please do not send your child to school if there are definite signs of ill health in the morning. We have neither the facilities or the personnel to care for sick children. Good health is necessary for effective learning. A student should not be sent with a request to remain indoors during recess or lunch hour. Recess and lunch hour is part of the school day and the school is organized with staff allocated accordingly. In the event of an injury, eg. broken bone, asthmatic condition or other long term disability, or where a doctor’s certificate is provided, special accommodations will be made.


Under Policy #401, the School Board recognizes the need for staff to administer medication during school hours. We administer medication only when parents/guardians provide:

  • written parental permission;

  • appropriate forms completed and signed by a physician;

  • a signed release of liability form allowing school staff to give medication;

  • medication is sent to school in the appropriate labelled original container.

Medication is to be sent to the office for storage in a locked cabinet and will be administered by designated school staff.

The Board further recognizes that a parent may wish the child to keep the medication in their own possession and administer the prescribed drug. In order to ensure the safety of all students, the principal must obtain a written request from the parent which indicates:

  • the child's ability and maturity to self-administer; and the reasons for the request.

Safety is a major concern surrounding the administration of any and all medication. It is important that our children develop attitudes of caution and care. Medication must be treated with the utmost respect. We request and need parental support in this area.


The students of St. John Paul II Catholic Elementary School are expected to demonstrate a respect for self, fellow students and staff by dressing appropriately for school.

Guideline for Appropriate Dress:

  • dress modestly, neatly and appropriately for the season;

  • wear skirts and shorts of appropriate length (mid thigh);

  • spaghetti straps or tops that leave shoulders bare are not permitted;

  • undergarments must be covered at all times;

  • shirts must meet the waistband of pants, shorts or skirts (no bare midriffs);

  • objectionable logos, graphics or words are not permitted;

  • remove hats upon entry to the building;

  • wear shoes at all times;

  • wear indoor shoes for use during class and Physical Education

  • students wearing inappropriate clothes will be asked to change and/or have their clothing turned inside out.


Cell phone use by students is not permitted on the buses or at school. Students using cell phones in these circumstances should be prepared to surrender their phone to staff. Parents will be notified and be required to collect the phone at their convenience. Handheld devices have been permitted for responsible academic use in school. Headphone /ear buds use should be treated like wearing a hat, when entering the building, ear buds and headphones must be removed and remain off in the building, the hallway and class. They may be permitted only when the teacher provides permission for use within the classroom.


Learning commons serve a unique purpose in the school. The learning commons serves school curriculum but also is known as a place for experimenting, playing, making, doing, thinking, collaborating, and growing. For example, it may be the only place in the school where the technology are open; it may be the place where students are experimenting with the latest robotics, it may be the virtual hub of school activities. The learning commons is the center of inquiry, digital citizenship, project-based learning, collaborative intelligence, advanced literacy, as well as the center of creating, performing, and sharing. It is the place young people love—their space. Resources such as books, videos, DVD and magazines are available to teachers and students. Students are responsible for the text books/library books issued to them. Parents are required to pay for any lost or damaged library materials.


Each bus has its own number. Parents and students are encouraged to know and keep handy the bus number. Please be aware that STUDENTS MAY ONLY USE THE BUS THEY HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED. This measure has been put into place to ensure that your children are safely transported to and from school. In case of an emergency regarding bus arrangements, please contact the school immediately. It is also recommended that parents or caregivers meet their children at the bus stop. Parents/ guardians are asked to support our efforts to maintain high standards of safety and acceptable behaviour for students while travelling on school buses.

Inclement Weather

Occasionally the buses are late or do not run because of weather conditions. You can find by checking You can also listen to CKLY 91.9 FM for City of Kawartha Lakes. If buses do not run in the morning, they will not run in the afternoon either. The school is always open and you are welcome to drive your child to and from the school even when buses do not run.



Homework consists of learning experiences which are associated with the in-school programme, but are completed outside classroom time. Homework is an integral part of education and will be assigned in all classrooms. The purpose of homework is to reinforce and extend in-school experiences through related out-of-school activities; assist the students to achieve learning outcomes prescribed in the Ontario Curriculum Guidelines; enable students to assume responsibility appropriate to their age and ability, for their own learning and development; assist students in preparing for subsequent planned learning activities; and enable each student to reach maximum potential as a learner. Some homework activities will be completed in one evening, other activities identified as projects and assignments will be completed over an extended time period. Careful consideration will be given to the modification of expectations and/or quantity of assigned work according to the individual needs of the student. Projects and major assignments will include clear expectations, due dates and criteria for evaluation – all of which will be outlined for students and parents when the assignment is given.

  • Pick the same time each day if possible. This time should be off limits for phone calls, errands, visits and interruptions. Call this time "study" time rather than "homework" time to avoid the "no homework tonight" excuse. If there is no assigned homework, students can organize notes, study ahead, read, do math drills, make corrections, study spelling or work on projects.

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable location with a tabletop. Quiet music may be fine for some learners. Technology should be turned off.

  • Each school day students are expected to come to class prepared for the day’s lessons. This includes bringing all necessary materials such as pencils, paper, agenda and books. Students who come to school with their homework done are ready for new learning.

School and Classroom Rules – Expectations

All schools with PVNCCDSB assume the board’s Code of Conduct.

All school rules are to be followed by everyone - staff, students and parents.

  • You are expected to go in line immediately when the bell rings at all recesses.

  • Prompt attendance is expected in the morning and afternoon.

  • Stand for O’ Canada and prayers.

  • No personal gaming devices in class.

  • During announcements you are expected to stop what you are doing and pay attention.

  • Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged before speaking during class.

  • Listen to others when it is their turn to speak.

  • Listen attentively during class lessons.

  • Follow all school and class routines.

  • Follow the Acceptable Use Guidelines for the use of the Internet.

  • Respect all school property and treat it with care, including books, desks, chairs, washrooms, etc.

  • Do not bring to school the following items: hardballs, baseballs and bats, hockey sticks, cell phones, knives or any other form of weapon.

  • Do not throw anything in the yard which may cause injury: rocks, sticks, sand or snowballs.

  • Rough play is not allowed.

  • Bicycles are not to be brought into the school, they can be secured at the bike rack.

  • Skate boards and scooters can be stored by the office if they are not able to be attached to the bike rack.

Students are expected to demonstrate Christian values which are fundamental to good behaviour. To a large extent, students are expected to use common sense (i.e. hands to ourselves, feet on the ground and be nice) in their day-to-day dealings at school.


Pupils are disciplined for inappropriate behaviour, disruptive practices in the learning situation, and actions which interfere with the general well-being or safety of any or all school members. Frequency and intensity are the two most important factors in assessing a child’s behaviour. Small problems over an extended period of time or serious ones of short duration are both cause for concern. All serious and/or recurring discipline incidents are reported to parents. Progressive discipline may include any or all of the following consequences:

  • informal/formal interview with student, by the Teacher, Teacher in Charge and/or the Principal

  • written account of a plan of actions/contracts

  • exclusion from certain activities

  • withdrawal of privileges

  • phone call home/parent conference/letter

  • in-school or after school detentions (recess, relocation for part or whole day)

  • performance of a school service

  • restitution; restorative practice / mediation

  • intervention of or referral to Student Services personnel

  • involvement of or referral to outside agencies